PressTV - Mexican army kills 11 in drug clash: "Mexican troops have clashed with gunmen believed to belong to the 'Los Zetas' drug cartel, killing 11 of them, according to the Defense Ministry.
The ministry said the clashes took place in the state of Tamaulipas, near Nueva Ciudad Guerrero, a city that faces the US state of Texas across the Rio Grande, when a patrol responding to reports of armed men came to blows with them, AFP reported on Friday.
The gunmen opened fire on the patrol, triggering the firefight, the ministry said.
The gunfight led to the deaths of 11 gang members. Two men were also arrested, who confessed that they were members of the Los Zetas drug cartel.
Los Zetas was formed in the 1990s by former members of an elite military unit. The gang's main business is smuggling drugs into the United States. It also smuggles people across the border and engages in extortion and kidnapping.
Following the incident, soldiers seized 11kg of marijuana, nine rifles, four handguns, one rocket launcher and 22 cartridges for a variety of weapons."
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